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Naked and AfraidwÆ;au ßh,sá jevigyk ksrej;ska
äialjß kd,sldj úiska úldYh lrkakg fhÿkq ~ksrej; yd ìh~ ^Naked and Afraid& ßh,sá jevigykg f,dj mqrd ñ,shkhlg wdikak ujqjre m%udKhla úfrdaOh olajd ;sfí'

fufia fuu jevigykg úfrdaOh oelaùug wdikaku fya;=j ù we;af;a fl,S khsÜ ,skac¾ yd B'fca' iakhsâ Ôú;h .,jdf.k we;af;a wkQ kjfhka ùuh'

fuu ßh,sá ;r.h wkqj tlsfkld fkdyÿkk msßñhl= yd ldka;djla Èk 21 l ld,hla lsf,da óg¾ 10l m%udKhla .uka l< hq;=h' flfiajjqo fuu jevigyk wdrïN lr we;af;a ksYaÑ; msgm;la fkdue;s njo mejfia'

fï ioyd tlajk ;r.lrejka ksrej;ska ;r.hg uqyqKÈh hq;=h' mjq,a ixúOdk o fï iïnkaOfhka úfrdaOh olajd ;sfí'

Grimy: The contestants on Naked and Afraid had never met before being teamed up to survive in the jungle. Kim Shelton and Shane Lewis can't hide their exhaustionBrave: A contestant goes diving for dinner on Naked and Afraid, which starts on Sunday night.Scared: Kim Shelton, 22, a student from Minnesota, stripped off for the Discovery show.'Naked and afraid': Survivalists Kellie Nightlinger and Erroll James Snyder on the upcoming reality show 'Naked and Afraid' on the Discovery ChannelSurvivors: 'Naked and Afraid' participants Alison Teal-Blehert Koehn and Jonathan Klay found clothing and built a fire on the Discovery ChannelTired: One of the contestants looks close to collapse on the Discovery show.Naked and AfraidNaked and AfraidNude: Kim Shelton was forced to strip off for TV show Naked and Afraid.Makeshift bikini: Laura Zenna treks through the jungle.

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